The New Louisiana Cafe
Branding / Stationery Systems

Established on April 21, 1995, The New Louisiana Cafe has sought to reinvent and revolutionize the idea behind the common local family diner and breakfast eatery experience for their customers. Their goals have always been to bring the best breakfast and lunch experiences to their patrons and to be the best choice in the Twin Cities for such an experience.

The objective of this rebrand project was to design a logo, identity, and stationery system to work for their letterhead, business cards, and envelopes. Inspired by the friendly customers and staff and warm, welcoming atmosphere, I decided that the logo needed to stay classy, simple, straightforward, and true to who the cafe was, and continues to be. I wanted to link the new brand to both breakfast and something that called out the relationship between Louisiana and Minnesota. The Mississippi River connects Minnesota to Louisiana so I was motivated to incorporate the river into my design. The logo portrays both an egg cooked sunny-side-up and a sunrise over the waters of the Mississippi and the colors I chose were influenced by these as well. In the logo, I shortened the name to simply "Louisiana Cafe" as many of the regular customers affectionately call it. This new identity aims to appeal to the hungry spirit of the customers, new and old, and to bring a new familiarity that is rooted in what they already know. 

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